For Immediate Release:
Oct. 14, 2020
Rental Assistance Available for Eligible Arkansans Affected by COVID-19
COVID-19 Emergency Solutions Grant funds available through organizations working to prevent homelessness
(LITTLE ROCK, Ark.) — Arkansans who have lost income because of the public health emergency and who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless are encouraged to apply for rental and housing assistance through the COVID-19 Emergency Solutions Grant, the Arkansas Department of Human Services (DHS) announced today.
The state of Arkansas was allocated approximately $23 million under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the need among Arkansans who are homeless or at risk for homelessness due to the coronavirus pandemic. The DHS Division of County Operations (DCO) accepted applications from organizations who proposed to use the funds in one or more of the following categories:
- Street Outreach: to engage those who are homeless and not staying in a shelter or other housing;
- Homelessness Prevention: offers rental assistance and other supports for those who are at risk of becoming homeless to allow them to stay in their homes or relocate;
- Rapid Re-Housing: help finding and paying for housing for those who are homeless and case management during the transition to stability;
- Emergency Shelter: support for shelter operations along with critical services to shelter residents such as child care, skills training, and transportation assistance.
“We know that the public health emergency has impacted Arkansas families, with many people facing financial difficulties that may put them at risk of facing eviction,” said DCO Director Mary Franklin. “These grant funds were awarded to organizations across the state to help meet those immediate and ongoing needs caused by the pandemic. Our hope is that Arkansans who are facing housing challenges will reach out to these organizations for support.”
Local government units, nonprofits, and organizations that provide Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-housing services are accepting applications for assistance. Eligibility depends on the applicant’s income and the county in which he or she lives. Arkansans who need help can contact the organizations serving their counties to get more information on that group’s application process.
A list of groups by county can be found here, and the person applicants should contact is listed as the ESG contact for each group.
These funds are available to be used through September 2022 or until the funds are exhausted, which will depend on demand and the number of eligible Arkansans who apply.