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Susan Burton Team Excellence Awards

Susan Burton Team Excellence Awards

Susan Burton worked for the Arkansas Department of Human Services (DHS) for 27 years and retired from the Division of County Operations in 2019, just a few months before her death from breast cancer. Susan loved her team and knew how important teamwork is to serving clients. In one of her last emails to her team, she wrote, “There are almost a million Arkansans who can access health care because of the work WE do … They don’t know us. They don’t know our names. They don’t even know we exist. But they are depending on us. We have a great responsibility. We are a great TEAM … and for that, I am GRATEFUL.”

We continue to honor Susan’s commitment to and legacy of teamwork, through these awards, which launched in 2019. Each quarter, leadership selects winners in four categories: customer service, innovation, program improvement, and operational improvement. Overall winners are selected for the year from the quarterly winners.

Click below to see the winners from each year: