About DCO

About DCO

The Division of County Operations (DCO) is here to make sure Arkansans who need food assistance, health care, and other services can access help. DCO processes applications for several public assistance programs, including Health Care (Medicaid), the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and the Transitional Employment Assistance (TEA) program. SNAP and TEA beneficiaries can access their benefits through the Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) system. In addition, DCO oversees the Emergency Solutions Grant program, which helps local communities address homelessness by providing resources for building repairs and support funds.  DCO also oversees the Community Services Block Grant program, which provides funding to support services to help low-income families become self-sufficient. Services are provided through the 15 Community Action Agencies in the state. The Division also assists newly arrived eligible refugees assimilate to the American way of life by providing financial and medical services for those eligible for up to eight months after arrival in the United States.

DCO also investigates potential Health Care (Medicaid), SNAP, and TEA beneficiary fraud.

DCO is divided into four focus areas:

  • Program and Planning – This unit oversees policy related to programs DCO administers as well as training.
  • Field Operations – This unit is responsible for the day-to-day management of all DHS county offices as well as the employees who process applications for assistance.
  • Community Services – This unit oversees both the Community Services Block Grant and Emergency Solutions Grant programs and ensures grantees comply with all state and federal regulations.
  • Administrative Support – This unit oversees the unit that investigates beneficiary fraud, the client assistance unit, the quality assurance unit, and system support for the Division.

DHS has at least one office in every county in the State. DCO oversees all 80 of those offices as well as the Access Arkansas Processing Center in Batesville. You can find a list of county offices on our website.

You can apply for Health Care, SNAP, and TEA and manage your benefits by visiting www.Access.Arkansas.gov.