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= 1 character before @, so we // start looking at character position 1 // (i.e. second character) var i = 1; var sLength = s.length; // look for @ while ((i = sLength) || (s.charAt(i) != “@”)) return false; else i += 2; // look for . while ((i = sLength – 1) || (s.charAt(i) != “.”)) return false; else return true; } // Check whether string s is empty. function isEmpty(s) { return ((s == null) || (s.length == 0)) } // Returns true if string s is empty or // whitespace characters only. function isWhitespace(s) { var i; // Is s empty? if (isEmpty(s)) return true; // Search through string’s characters one by one // until we find a non-whitespace character. // When we do, return false; if we don’t, return true. for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { // Check that current character isn't whitespace. var c = s.charAt(i); if (whitespace.indexOf(c) == -1) return false; } // All characters are whitespace. return true; } function checkForm() { z=0; celements=document.getElementsByName('lid'); for (c=0;c<celements.length;c++){ if (celements[c].checked){ z=z+1; } } if (z Email:

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