Request a Child Maltreatment Check

Request a Child Maltreatment Check

Submitting an Arkansas Child Maltreatment Central Registry Background Check Request

There are three stages involved with receiving results for an Arkansas (AR) Child Maltreatment Central Registry Background Check:

  1. AR Child Maltreatment Central Registry Request Form Generator
  2. AR Child Maltreatment Central Registry Request Form Upload
  3. Online Payment

Details of each stage are outlined below. Please read the details of all stages before accessing the link below to generate your AR Child Maltreatment Central Registry Request Form

Stage 1: Arkansas (AR) Child Maltreatment Central Registry Form Generator Process

  1. After reading through all three stages and their associated steps below, access the Central Registry Request Form Generator to generate your request form.
  2. Once you are on the AR Child Maltreatment Central Registry Request Form web page, complete each required field (required fields denoted by an asterisk).
  3. Once all required fields are completed, click ‘Submit Form’ button.
  4. The completed request form will be emailed to the email address you entered on the AR Child Maltreatment Central Registry Request Form web page.
  5. Click “Review and Sign” after you have read the email instructions.
  6. Once you’ve signed the form electronically, you will be emailed the signed request form.
  7. Download the signed request form and save it to a place on your device where you can easily locate it.

Stage 2: Arkansas (AR) Child Maltreatment Central Registry Form Upload Process

  1. Once you have downloaded the request form, access the Central Registry Form Uploader to send your file to the Central Registry Team using the links below:
    • You can upload a single request here.
    • You can upload multiple requests (up to 10 requests) using our Multi-Submission here.
  2. Click ‘Browse’ under ‘Signed Request File’ to search your computer and upload the signed copy of the form. (For multi-submissions, you must upload a signed form for each request). The signed form should consist of a minimum of three (3) pages and both pages must be uploaded.
  3. Click ‘Submit and Pay.’
  4. You will then be automatically redirected to the payment webpage (Ark Gov Pay) if a payment is required.

Stage 3: Online Payment

  1. Select a Payment Type.
  2. Complete the customer information and payment information sections to pay the central registry check fee outlined below:
    • For single requests: $10.00 for the child maltreatment request + a $1.00 online processing fee
    • For multiple requests paid by credit card: $10.00 for each child maltreatment request + 3% of request total amount + an online processing fee of $2
    • For multiple requests paid by e-Check: $10.00 for each child maltreatment request + a processing fee of $2
  3. If you are a non-profit, Click ‘Browse’ under ‘Additional Files’ and upload a copy of your 501(C)(3) verification. Please note that the child maltreatment requests for non-profits cannot be processed without verification of non-profit status.
  4. If you are indigent, click ‘Browse’ under ‘Additional Files’ and upload verification showing you are indigent.
  5. Click ‘Submit Payment.’
  6. You will receive a confirmation email verifying submission of your request and completed payment.
  7. Registry check results are emailed via encrypted email to the entity identified in the ‘Results Should Be Released To’ section of the form submission request.


Who can request an Arkansas Child Maltreatment Central Registry status (background) check?

Certain individuals identified under Arkansas Statute may request and receive information on an individual’s Registry status (notarized authorization form required).

  • The individual whose status is being requested
  • Child protective entities in other states for the purpose of placing a child.
  • Employers
  • Volunteer agencies
  • Licensing agencies
  • Please contact the DCFS Registry Unit with any questions.

Is there a fee?

A non-refundable processing fee of $10.00, by check or money order (no cash or temporary checks), proof of non-profit status, or proof of indigent status must be submitted with each request. There is an additional $1.00 online processing fee for online payments made by electronic check or credit card.

A processing fee is not charged to other state’s child services agencies, non-profit organizations, Attorney’s Ad Litem, law enforcement, Prosecuting Attorneys, or to individuals who are indigent.

Please contact the DCFS Registry Unit with any questions.

What happens if my initial online request is rejected?

If your request is rejected for any reason you will receive an email advising of the rejection and identifying how to correct it. To resubmit rejected forms follow the steps listed above and resubmit without additional payment. Be sure to choose “Yes” under the drop-down box “Is this a resubmission.” You will also need to include your original request number which can be located in the initial confirmation email.

How do I appeal a child maltreatment finding?

To request an appeal hearing, you must send a written statement to the Office of Appeals and Hearings. Please include a copy of the CFS-232 T1 (Child Maltreatment True Investigative Determination Notice to Alleged Adult Offender). If you do not have a copy of the CFS-232 T1, please include the following information in your written statement:

  • Name of Petitioner/Requestor
  • Petitioner/Requestor’s Address
  • Petitioner/Requestor’s Telephone Number
  • Name of Alleged Offender and DOB
  • Name of Alleged Victim(s) and DOB (if known)
  • The CHRIS Referral ID (if known)

You can send this request via email to [email protected] or you can mail the request to:

Office of Appeals & Hearings

Arkansas Department of Human Services                                              

P.O. Box 1437, Slot 101                                                                                                       

Little Rock, AR 72203

For more information regarding appealing a child maltreatment finding, please call the Office of Appeals and Hearings at (501) 682-8622.

What do I do if my appeal was unsuccessful or I did not appeal during the specified timeframe?

You may request your name be removed from the Child Maltreatment Central Registry by petitioning the Child Maltreatment Central Registry Review Team.

If you were an adult when the maltreatment that resulted in your placement on the Central Registry occurred, please complete the adult name removal request packet and provide the required documentation listed in this packet.

If you were under 18 when the maltreatment that resulted in your placement on the Central Registry occurred, please complete the juvenile name removal request packet and provide the required documentation listed in this packet.


  • There is no assurance of name removal approval. Each petition is individually considered by a committee assigned to review submitted request packets.
  • The participation of the DCFS Central Registry Unit is to collect and forward submitted documents to the Committee. The Unit does not have a role in name removal decisions.

Who can request information/records on child maltreatment investigations and/or protective services cases?

  • Out of state child protective services agencies can request records on individuals for whom they have ongoing investigations.
    • Requests should be submitted on agency letterhead along with proof of identity.
  • Individuals may request information/records on themselves and/or their biological children.
    • Individuals must submit a written notarized request, along with any required processing fee.
  • Attorneys representing individuals may request information authorized to be released to their client(s).
    • Requests must be on letterhead with any required processing fee.
    • Attorneys must state whom they represent, but such requests do not require their client’s notarized signature.
  • Law Enforcement who have an open investigation.
  • Prosecuting Attorneys
  • Attorneys Ad litem (request must be on letterhead with copy of appointment court order).
  • Certain licensing entities.
  • Some other entities (Please contact the DCFS Registry Unit with any questions).

The DCFS Central Registry Unit can be contacted at:

DCFS Central Registry
P O Box 1437,Slot S-566
Little Rock AR 72203
Phone: 501-682-0405
Fax: 501-682-0407
Email: [email protected]