Medicaid Sustainability Review

Medicaid Sustainability Review

The Medicaid Sustainability Review (MSR) report is a comprehensive analysis of the Medicaid system that details a variety of different service delivery options for controlling spending while maintaining or improving services in the coming years.

The options in the report are a broad array of possible paths but are not recommendations. Between now and July 14, DHS is collecting feedback about the MSR. Comments can be submitted by emailing them to [email protected].

To read all of the public comments that were submitted, click here.

Learn more about the MSR in this news release, or click the image below to download the full report.

Frequently Asked Questions

This section will be updated with new information as it becomes available. Please check back for additional questions and answers.

Q. What data and documentation was used for development of the Medicaid Sustainability Review process?

A draft environmental scan that identified best practices and strategies for key workstream areas covered in the Medicaid Sustainability Review Process is available by clicking here. A summary of baseline and expenditure trends is available by clicking here.

Q: Option 4.3 in the MSR focuses on revising the PASSE criteria to include all individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability diagnosis. Would this include beneficiaries who reside at Human Development Centers (HDCs)?

A: No – residents of the HDCs cannot be enrolled in PASSEs under Arkansas law. The option outlined in the MSR would not apply to HDC residents. Currently, IDD clients who proactively apply for the CES Waiver or live in a private ICF are enrolled in the PASSE. We have clients who do not fit either of those categories, nor reside at an HDC, who could benefit from being enrolled in the PASSE program.