NOTE: Beneficiaries with questions about eligibility should contact the Division of County Operations.

You can choose to switch plans or insurance companies during Open Enrollment, which is between Nov. 1, 2023, and Jan. 15, 2024. You can do this by going to the website:
If you wish to make a change, you must complete your changes before Jan. 15, 2024. To ensure your new plan starts on Jan. 1, 2024, make your changes by Dec. 12, 2023. If you want to keep your existing health insurance plan just like it is, then do nothing. You will automatically keep your same plan.
If you have questions about your current health insurance coverage, please call your agent or your insurance carrier. If you have questions about any of the new options for health insurance coverage under ARHOME, please contact the insurance carriers listed on the website above. If you have any problems with the website, please call 1-855-550-3974.
Other Information
On January 1, 2022, Arkansas Works was replaced by the Arkansas Health and Opportunity for Me program, or ARHOME. The ARHOME program uses Medicaid dollars to buy private health insurance for you.
You’re still covered by Medicaid, but your coverage is provided by one of two private health insurance carriers – Blue Cross Blue Shield or Ambetter.
ARHOME focuses on improving your health, not just providing reliable health care coverage. ARHOME also includes new Life360 HOMEs to focus on the health of certain key groups:
- Maternal Life360 – High-risk pregnant and new moms, and babies
- Rural Life360 – Arkansans living in rural communities
- Success Life360 – Young adults that are at greatest risk for poor health outcomes
ARHOME encourages you to be an active partner with your health care plan and work together to reach your health and well-being goals. A healthy Arkansas is a thriving Arkansas!
If you have any questions about your health care coverage, contact your plan directly or call 1-888-987-1200.