Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)

Effective April 1, 2021, the Arkansas Department of Human Services (DHS) implemented a new process known as the Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) process with all self-directed clients, employers, and their employees/caregivers enrolled in IndependentChoices or ARChoices programs. This implementation is in direct response to a federal mandate known as the 21st Century Cures Act (Section 12006).

What is EVV?

EVV is a process that uses electronic means to verify caregiver(s) visits when they are in the participant’s home to provide care. This federal mandate is designed to enhance the quality and accuracy of services provided. Upon implementation of the EVV program, caregiver(s) are required to electronically record information about:

  • the types of services provided
  • the dates and times of the services
  • information about the person who is providing the services, and
  • the clock in and clock out times for the visit.

Employees/Caregivers will record their visits using Time4Care mobile application on a smartphone or tablet, or by using the Interactive Voice Response system (IVR). The IVR will allow the caregiver(s) the option to clock in and out using a landline home phone instead of a cell phone.

All employers and caregivers employed through self-direction must register with PPL’s Time4Care app in order to be paid for the services provided through Medicaid funding.

For Employers/Participants

PPL MyAccount Guide for Admins
PPL MyAccount Guide for Participants
PPL MyAccount Guide for Providers/Caregivers


EVV Change of Information Form (Gainwell)


All documents can be found here

For questions about Provider PIN Enrollment, please contact Gainwell Technologies at (800) 457-4454 (Operation Hours Monday-Friday 8AM to 5:00PM).

For other questions and concerns, or if escalation is needed, please contact [email protected].