Electronic Background Check

Electronic Background Check

The Department of Human Services (DHS), Division of Provider Services and Quality Assurance (DPSQA) is responsible for providing employment eligibility determinations for Long-Term Care facilities, Home and Community Based Service providers, Human Development Centers, and providers of self-direction services under the ARChoices Waiver in Arkansas. Employment eligibility determinations are made through an online option for requesting a State and Federal criminal background check for employees. You must submit a Criminal Background Check request, a separate Adult Maltreatment Registry Check Request, and a separate Child Maltreatment Registry Check Request. Child maltreatment checks are required for self-direction providers and all providers must submit criminal and maltreatment background checks online.

Steps Required to Submit an Online Criminal Background Check Include:

  1. Provider creates Online Account. 
  2. Applicant fills out background check forms and signs the form. Per Act 186 of 2023, Arkansas Code §20-38-104(a)(6) removes the notarization requirement from criminal history checks and allows the submission of electronic signatures.
  3. Applicant returns forms, and the provider submits the background check request using their online account. The provider must upload the form to submit the request. The Applicant shall be provided a copy of the completed request for their records in the event they want to challenge the information in the criminal record database.
  4. Provider gives applicant Transaction ID from submitted request.
  5. The provider or applicant schedules applicant fingerprint scan for national background check requests only. 
  6. After fingerprint scan, the status should update to “Pending” in the provider account.
  7. The provider will be emailed when the results of the background check are received.
  8. If applicant disagrees with results of background check, he or she can challenge the results.

Employers seeking to check the Employee Clearance Registry (ECR) for Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA) should visit https://ar.tmuniverse.com/. The ECR will contain administrative findings of abuse, neglect, and misappropriation for CNA’s only. Employers will need the following information to check the ECR and verify the results:

  • Facility Name and 4-digit Registry ID Number
  • First and Last Name of the person that is the subject of the ECR check (Middle name optional)
  • Applicant’s Date of Birth and Social Security Number
  • If the individual is a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), include the CNA Certification Number
  • Name of individual or HR representative requesting the ECR results.

This registry check is a free service to the LTC Facilities. Questions about the ECR should be directed to [email protected]. Human Development Centers may direct their questions to [email protected].

Individuals with questions about the status of background check requests for Self-Direction/Independent Choices should visit [email protected].

Certified Nursing Assistants with questions about the name removal process from the Maltreatment Registry should visit [email protected].

All other background check related inquires may be directed to [email protected].

Starting the Background Check Process

  • To use the online background check option, you will need to create a subscriber account here. The account has an annual subscription cost of $150. A provider may choose not to renew their subscription if it is no longer needed. Instructions for setting up a subscriber account can be found here.
    • Providers will be invoiced at the end of each month for the costs of each background check requested. The fees are listed on the provider account website
  • Once a provider has created an online account and has a new employee to hire, the provider or applicant should fill out the State and Federal Criminal Background Check form. The applicant will need to have this form notarized and returned to the provider.
    • Every applicant shall be provided a copy of the completed request for their records in the event they want to challenge the information in the criminal record database. 
  • Once the Request for Criminal Record Check form has been returned, the provider representative will upload the form with the background check request.

Requesting the Background Check Online

  • Log into the provider account and click “Search” to initiate a background check.
  • Fill in the information about the applicant and upload the applicant’s completed Request for Criminal Record Check. Double-check that the documents uploaded correctly before clicking “Search State Only.”
    • Providers shall only select “Search FBI and State” when the applicant has NOT been a resident of the State of Arkansas for the five (5) year timeframe prior to their application.
  • Complete each step. Review and confirm search information entered. No refunds will be provided for incorrect data entry or incorrect selection of data submitted. Click “Submit Search.”
  • After submitting the information and documents, a pop-up screen will give providers a Search ID and a Transaction number. It will also be emailed to the provider. 
  • The provider must give the Transaction number to the applicant so that the fingerprint scan can be scheduled.
    • Fingerprint scans are not required for state only checks.
  • Use the Search ID to look up the status of the background check.

Scheduling a Fingerprint Scan

  • National/federal background checks shall only be conducted when the prospective employee has not been a resident of the State of Arkansas for the five (5) consecutive years preceding their application. 
  • Fingerprint scans are only required for national/federal background checks.
  • The applicant, or the provider on behalf of the applicant, must schedule an appointment for a live fingerprint scan at this website
  • The applicant can choose the date, time, and location that works best for them. See a list of available locations here
  • It usually takes less than 20 minutes for fingerprints to be scanned during the appointment. 
  • Scanning machines will be sanitized regularly for the safety of the applicant.

Out-of-State Background Checks (Inter-State Background Checks)

  • Prospective employees who have not lived in the state of Arkansas during the preceding five (5) years to their application will be required to complete a national/federal criminal background check.
  • The applicant/provider is responsible for initiating the out-of-state process prior to employment by completing and submitting the Request for Criminal Record Check to the Arkansas State Police and paying the appropriate fee for the State and National Criminal Record Check.
  • This process applies to Long-Term Care facilities as defined by A.C.A. § 20-10-101 or 20-10-702; including, “nursing home, residential care facility, assisted living facility, post-acute head injury retraining and residential care facility, or any other facility which provides long-term medical or personal care.” Additional service providers covered by Ark. Code Ann. § 20-38-101 (formerly 20-33-201) et seq. include home health agencies and hospice providers.

Getting the Results

  • The fingerprints will be sent electronically to Arkansas State Police, and the applicant cannot start working until the Arkansas State Police criminal background check has been cleared. 
  • Results are normally back in five to ten business days, and an email is sent to the provider to check the status of the new hire in the provider account. 
  • The provider account will describe the status of the applicant’s background check as:
    • Pending – the check has been submitted and is being processed. 
    • Approved – all steps in review are complete, and the applicant is eligible to work without direct supervision.
    • Not Approved – the review is complete, and the applicant is not eligible to be hired for the position. 

The provider should share the results with the applicant. If an applicant is considered “not approved” he or she will get more specific information about the results. If the applicant disagrees with the background check results, he or she can challenge them as discussed here

If you have questions, concerns, or need more information, please contact the Background Check Unit at [email protected].

The online criminal background check does not include the Child Maltreatment Registry Check, nor does it include the Adult Maltreatment Check.

To complete the Central Registry Check Process for Child and Adult – please go to:

Adult Maltreatment Registry Check

DCFS Central Maltreatment Registry Process