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Foster Family Resources

Foster Family Resources

If you are interested in becoming a foster parent, click here.

Current adoptive parents, click here for the portal tool.

The Foster/Adoptive Family Portal is a tool easily accessible by the foster and adoptive parent to look up pertinent information regarding direct deposits. It is currently undergoing changes to better serve and support our adoptive and foster parents!

Some new changes to look for are placement information, board payment information, and a simple way to update your demographic information. Your access to the website will be provided once your Resource Worker has your email address and you have your first placement.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact please contact Amber Sartain, Program Administrator at 501-371-2212 or email at [email protected].

Foster Family Resources

  • DCFS Resource Parent Handbook (PUB-30) – This handbook outlines the foster home, also referred to as resource home, approval process. If your home is approved, this handbook is also your source of basic information about caring for a child placed in your home. It includes general information about what is expected of resource families, the care of children in foster care placements, financial matters, the roles of DCFS staff, and more.
  • Child Care Aware® is committed to helping parents find the best information on locating high-quality child care and child care resources in their community.
  • DHS mileage calculator for travel reimbursement (TR-1)
  • WIC: Foster Children 5-years-old and under qualify for WIC benefits. For more information contact your local county health unit or go to the AR WIC website.
  • The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) is a USDA program that helps supplement the diets of low-income Americans, including elderly people, by providing them with emergency food assistance at no cost. Children in foster care are automatically eligible. For more information on how to apply for TEFAP in your county, contact the DHS Commodity Distribution Unit at 501-371-1400.