Living Choices

Living Choices

Living Choices Assisted Living Brochure

What is Living Choices?

Living Choices is an assisted living program that enables you to live on your own in an assisted living facility, to do the things you enjoy, and to be healthy. Because of that, it’s a wonderful alternative to living in an institution.

For example, if you need help bathing, toileting, eating, and drinking, a trained person at the assisted living residence is there to help you do all those things. Plus, there are social activities to brighten your day, help with your medications, and many more services designed with one goal in mind – to keep you in the community.

How do I apply?

Call your local DHS county office or the Choices in Living Resource Center to explore your choices. 1-866-801-3435.

What is assisted living?

If living on your own isn’t an option anymore, our assisted living program may be the solution for you. This program enables you to live in an assisted living facility independently in your own apartment while you receive 24-hour supervision and care. You can socialize and make new friends with folks living near you while still enjoying the privacy afforded by your own apartment. Assisted living provides a lot of services to keep you healthy and happy.

Who is eligible?

Arkansans who are:

  • Age 21 through 64 with a physical disability
  • OR Age 65 and older.
  • AND Meet established financial criteria.
  • Meet nursing home admission criteria at the intermediate level.
  • Have a need for at least one of the available services.