The Division of Provider Services and Quality Assurance improves the quality of life for Arkansans through provider engagement and oversight. It is responsible for the certification, licensing, and surveying of long-term care and Medicaid providers. DPSQA also conducts quality assurance activities to review outcomes and determine compliance and promote workforce development.

DPSQA is divided into three units:

  • Office of Long-term Care licenses, surveys, and regulates long term care facilities, such as skilled nursing facilities. This unit also investigates all nursing home complaints.
  • Community Services licenses, certifies, and regulates assisted living facilities, home and community-based programs day treatment programs, and alcohol and drug abuse treatment providers. This unit also reviews concerns, complaints, and allegations of substandard care as it relates to facility practices.
  • Performance & Engagement. This unit is the hub of the division. It is the first point of contact for allegations of abuse, neglect, and exploitation in long-term care facilities and other types of facilities. This unit also determines eligibility of applicants to work in long-term care facilities or to provide waiver services. Finally, the unit oversees the following programs and services:
    • Options Counseling – This is a service provided to nursing facility clients which provides them with information and options about transitioning to a least restrictive setting.
    • Lifespan Respite – This is a program that provides Arkansans with education about respite services and programs and provides respite vouchers to those that may need assistance.
    • Occupational Licensing – The division oversees the Certified Nurse Aid Training Program and the Certified Nursing Home Administrator program.