Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Thank you for visiting! We are currently working to get all of the Q&A information online for you. Please check back regularly as we continue to update!

Q: I am a current IndependentChoices program participant. Do I need to transition to the new FMS vendor, PPL?

A: If you want to continue to self-direct your services through the State of Arkansas IndependentChoices Program, you must transition to Public Partnerships (PPL) by Monday, September 11, 2023. PPL will be the only vendor for self-direction in the State of Arkansas effective October 1, 2023. Remember, self-directing your services means that you are in complete control over who you hire, how you receive your services and when. Self-direction gives you budget and employer authority while being supported by a PPL Support Broker who is always there to assist.

Q: I am not currently an IndependentChoices program participant, but I would like to enroll in self-direction. Can I enroll while there is a vendor transition?

A: Yes, IndependentChoices is still in an open enrollment status. You will enroll through our new incoming FMS vendor, Public Partnerships (PPL). To begin the assessment and enrollment process, please reach out to PPL’s customer service toll-free number: +1(800) 256-2913 or PPL’s email at [email protected].

Q: I was told that I could stay with PALCO, Inc for self-direction.

A: PALCO only provides financial management and counseling service for the IndependentChoices program (until 9/30/2023) and is not currently a direct care service provider. If you want to continue to self-direct your services through the IndependentChoices program, you must transition to PPL by September 11, 2023. Any new incoming program participants will automatically be enrolled with PPL as their FMS support.

Q: I am currently on the IndependentChoices program and PALCO is my FMS/Support Coordinator. What happens if I do not transition by Monday, September 11, 2023?

A: PALCO will no longer provide self-direction services in the state of Arkansas as of 10/1/2023. In order to have your self-direction budget transfer from PALCO to PPL without a break in service, you must transition to PPL no later than Monday, September 11, 2023. If you do not transition by that date, you will lose the ability to access your self-direction budget to pay your caregiver.

DHS encourages you to complete your transition to PPL to ensure continuation of self-directed services. PPL will work with you and your caregivers with completing the transition paperwork and EVV training. Delaying your transition to PPL after Monday, September 11, 2023, will result in caregivers not being paid and will cause a break in your self-directed services.

Q: When do I stop entering time in the PalcoConnect EVV system?

A: The last pay period you will submit time for in PalcoConnect is 8/29/23 through 9/11/23. All time entries must be submitted no later than 9/11/23. If you have any outstanding service hours that occurred prior to 9/11/23, please enter them into PalcoConnect as well. PALCO will not be able to pay out for any service hours after that point, no matter what date the service was delivered.

Q: When can I expect my last payment from PALCO?

A: Your last payment from Palco will be released on Wednesday, September 20, 2023.

Q: When do I need to begin entering my time with Public Partnerships (PPL)?

A: You will begin entering time through PPL’s Time4Care system on September 12, 2023. The first full pay period with PPL will be 9/12/23 through 9/25/23.

Q: When can I expect payment from PPL for hours worked during the pay period of 9/12/23-9/25/23?

A: PPL will release the first payments for services provided on Wednesday, October 4, 2023.

Furthermore, having your updated email address on file also helps DHS to provide you quick and up to date information on the self-direction program and anything that relates to it, such as EVV and rate increases. Your email address will not be used for spam purposes or sold for advertising by DHS or its vendor.