Become a Medicaid Provider

Become a Medicaid Provider

To enroll as an Arkansas Medicaid provider, the easiest way is to apply online. When applying online, there is less possibility for making errors that would result in your application being denied and returned to you for correction. If you fail to enter needed information, you will be prompted to provide the missing information.

If you have questions about how to enroll, call Arkansas Medicaid Provider Enrollment at (501) 376-2211 or (800) 457-4454. When prompted, select 0 for “Other Inquiries,” then option 3 for “Provider Enrollment.” We’ve created a step-by-step video guide to walk you through the online provider enrollment process.

You also can go online to re-enroll, resume work on an existing provider enrollment application, check the status of the application you submitted, and pay the Medicaid provider enrollment application fee.

If you are required to have a National Provider Identifier (NPI), you must report it to Arkansas Medicaid once enrolled as an Arkansas Medicaid provider. For more information about the NPI, view NPI frequently asked questions.