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Boards & Commissions

Boards & Commissions

Arkansas Alcohol and Drug Abuse Coordinating Council

Description – The Arkansas Alcohol and Drug Abuse Coordinating Council provides oversight of all planning, budgeting, education, prevention, treatment, and law enforcement services and programs to efficiently and effectively combat the abuse of alcohol and drugs in the state of Arkansas.

Arkansas Behavioral Health Planning and Advisory Council

Description – The Arkansas Behavioral Health Planning and Advisory Council involves concerned citizens and stakeholders in planning and evaluating the delivery of behavioral health service in Arkansas by:

  • Reviewing plans provided to the Council pursuant to section 1915(a) by the State involved and to submit to the State any recommendations of the Council for modifications to the plans;
  • Serving as an advocate for adults with a serious mental illness, children with a severe emotional disturbance, and other individuals with mental illnesses or emotional problems; and
  • Monitoring, reviewing, and evaluating, not less than once each year, the allocation and adequacy of mental health services within the State

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Arkansas Coalition for Juvenile Justice Board

Description – The Arkansas Coalition for Juvenile Justice is the state advisory group for juvenile justice and delinquency prevention issues under the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA). Its goals are to prevent children and youth from becoming involved in the courts, strengthen the effectiveness of juvenile justice, and establishing high standards of care when youth do become involved in the justice system. It is responsible for monitoring and supporting Arkansas’s progress in addressing four core principles under the JJDPA:

Arkansas Early Childhood Commission/Early Head Start Governing Board

Description – The Arkansas Early Childhood Commission/Early Head Start Governing Board advises the Division of Child Care and Early Childhood Education in supporting the optimal and ongoing development of young children in Arkansas by:

  • Providing technical assistance in the design of programs for early childhood professionals
  • Assisting in long-range planning
  • Promoting coordination among state agencies and advises state agencies on the development of early childhood standards;
  • Reviewing and approving proposed rules for minimum licensing standards governing the granting, revocation, refusal, and suspension of child care licenses.

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Child Welfare Agency Review Board

Description – The Child Welfare Agency Review Board approves applications for licensure and reviews special consideration and waiver requests from Placement and Residential Providers. It also serves as the avenue for appeal. 

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Developmental Disabilities Services Board

Description – The Developmental Disabilities Services Board, as established by Act 348 of 1985, oversees and administers operations of the Arkansas Department of Human Services (DHS) five Human Development Centers (HDCs) that provide residential services to Arkansans with significant intellectual or developmental disabilities. The board provides managerial oversight and direction, while daily operational authority is under the DHS Division of Developmental Disabilities Services (DDS).

You can find a list of the DDS Board Members here.

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Arkansas Medicaid Drug Utilization Review Board

Description – The Arkansas Medicaid Drug Utilization Review (DUR) Board works to improve the quality of care of Arkansas Medicaid clients receiving prescription drug benefits under Title XIX of the Social Security Act. It aims to improve client safety and conserve program funds while ensuring therapeutically and medically appropriate pharmacy care for clients.

Related Documents –

SIS Board

Description – The State Institutional System (SIS) Board reviews and provides advice regarding the size, location, and arrangement of physical facilities housing DHS institutional or residential operations. The board is responsible for developing long- and short-term plans for DHS institutional facilities, including juvenile treatment centers within the Division of Youth Services, the Arkansas State Hospital, and the Arkansas Health Center. The board also reviews and provides advice on the following:

  • Any renovation or improvements to DHS institutional land and buildings if the estimated cost would exceed $20,000.
  • The purchase, lease, or other acquisition of institutional land or buildings.
  • The disposal of DHS institutional land and buildings by sale, lease, or otherwise, including advice regarding the amount and collection of rents, fees, and charges for the use of DHS institutional property.

Youth Justice Reform Board

Description – The Youth Justice Reform Board was established by Acts 2015, No. 1010, bringing together stakeholders from across the state to provide oversight and develop recommendations for youth justice reform in Arkansas. The board also works to increase and improve coordination among the courts, law enforcement, and private and public groups with an interest in youth.  Stakeholders represented on the board include:

  • Families and youth involved in the juvenile system
  • The Department of Education
  • The Department of Human Services
  • The Department of Workforce Services;
  • Youth services providers
  • Juvenile judges
  • The Administrative Office of the Courts
  • Prosecuting attorneys and public defenders
  • Youth advocates
  • Experts in adolescent development