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Arkansas Seniors Participate in Silver Haired Legislative SessionDHS names three to the Senior Arkansans Hall of Fame


(Little Rock, Ark) – The Arkansas Department of Human Services’ (DHS) Division of Aging, Adult, and Behavioral Health Services (DAABHS) will partner with the Arkansas Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) to host the 22nd Biennial Silver Haired Legislative Session Wednesday and Thursday at the State Capitol in Little Rock. This will be the first Silver Haired Legislative Session to be held since 2018 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Delegates will serve as legislators in this non-partisan session by writing, debating, and voting on bills addressing issues critical to older Arkansans. All bills passed in the session will be given to legislators of the next General Assembly. Legislators may consider introducing the bills in the next session.

“We are so excited to have the Silver Haired Legislature in session this year to hear what critical issues are impacting our senior Arkansans today,” said DAABHS Director Jay Hill. “With all we’ve gone through in the past couple of years, coming together now and sharing the challenges facing our senior citizens is more important than ever.”

The session had been held every other year since 1978 until the 2020 session was canceled due to the pandemic. About 30 similar sessions are held throughout the country.

Additionally, DHS recognizes outstanding senior Arkansans each year who have served their communities and enhanced the lives of fellow Arkansas seniors. This year’s class of outstanding older Arkansans will be inducted into the Senior Arkansans Hall of Fame at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday at the Wyndham Riverfront Hotel in North Little Rock.

The individuals inducted into the Senior Arkansas Hall of Fame for 2022 are:

  • Nelda Casey – Casey has tirelessly advocated and supported many issues on behalf of older Arkansans. Casey was the Newton County Senior Ambassador and past president. As the board president of the Newton County Christian Food Room, she has taken on various roles, from helping at the front desk to stocking shelves to ensure the citizens in need have the proper necessities.
  • Barrie Hardin – Hardin has devoted much of her life to enhancing the lives of seniors as a senior center employee, and after her retirement as a volunteer. Hardin assisted with the implementation of a nutrition grant for the six senior centers in Southeast Arkansas. She also assisted with include the Mobile Access Resource and Care grant.
  • Helen “Tiny” Jones Reynolds – Reynolds approaches each volunteer activity with an absolute passion. Reynolds has served on the Newton County Senior Center Ambassador Board and has served as secretary. She has spent many years with the Newton County Senior Activity Wellness Center. Reynolds has assisted in the senior games and the Meals on Wheels Walk/Parade.

To learn more about the Silver Haired Legislature and how delegates are selected, or about the Senior Hall of Fame, please visit our website here, or contact your local AAA.


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