Regan Reaves is a 23-year-old who began receiving Community and Employment Supports (CES) Waiver services roughly five years ago. Before the waiver, Regan’s mother Wendie had to help Regan with most of her day-to-day needs, like basic self-care activities, preparing and eating meals, etc. Filling this caretaker role for Regan meant that Wendie could not work full-time, depriving her of her livelihood and purpose as a teacher.
Since getting waiver services, the Reaves’ lives look much different. Because Regan could receive supports and services from her waiver staff, Wendie was able to return to the workforce fulltime. This had significant benefits for them both. In December 2021, Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson announced that his administration intended to eliminate that waitlist as it stood on December 1, 2021, with 3,200 individuals on the list.
During the most recent legislative fiscal session, the Arkansas Legislature approved the Governor’s proposal to set aside $37.6 million to fund these new waiver slots in the future, and the funds are now earmarked for the waiver. The pieces are in place for the reduction of the waiver waitlist – an accomplishment that will make a huge impact on the lives of thousands of vulnerable Arkansans.