OLTC Staffing

OLTC Staffing

The Office of Long Term Care (OLTC) has gone live with an online portal for the collection of the monthly minimum staffing requirement data.  The online portal is powered through a technology called QuickBase and is part of a larger effort to provide an online portal for providers to submit information to OLTC.  Users can access the portal by going directly to http://ARDHS.QuickBase.com and selecting the “OLTC Minimum Staffing” icon.

*UPDATE* The QuickBase minimum staffing system has been updated. Two training sessions have been scheduled on how to maneuver the new system and enter information. Please see below for the training schedule and links to the training sessions. Click here for information/instructions on the new reporting.

Tuesday, November 30, 20219:00am CSTClick Here
Tuesday, December 7, 20213:00pm CSTClick Here
Friday, December 10, 20212:00pm CSTClick Here
OLTC Minimum Staffing Updated Reporting VideoClick Here
Training sessions and all training materials will be posted to the website.