Workers with Disabilities

Workers with Disabilities

The Workers with Disabilities Medicaid program provides full Medicaid coverage to individuals with disabilities who are employed. The primary goal is to support disabled individuals in maintaining employment while ensuring they have access to necessary healthcare.

Workers with Disabilities Medicaid Program FAQ

What is the Workers with Disabilities Medicaid program?

The Workers with Disabilities Medicaid program provides full Medicaid coverage to individuals with disabilities who are employed. The primary goal is to support disabled individuals in maintaining employment while ensuring they have access to necessary healthcare services.

Who is eligible for the program?

Individuals aged 16 to 65 who are working and have a disability determination from the Social Security Administration are eligible.

What are the income limits to qualify?

  • Earned Income: No limit, as long as it is reported to the IRS (paycheck stubs, tax returns, etc.)
  • Unearned Income: Non-work income, such as Social Security benefits, workers compensation, or VA benefits cannot be over the disability payment (also known as SSDI or SSI) amount plus $20.

What benefits are provided through this program?

Participants receive full Medicaid coverage, which includes access to necessary healthcare services like doctor visits, hospital care, therapy, prescription drugs, and mental health care. Medicaid also covers home health care, personal care, and other community services, allowing them to maintain their health while working.

Does this program affect my Social Security benefits?

If you receive Social Security or SSI disability benefits, be sure to talk to the local Social Security office before you start your job. They can explain the rules and help you avoid problems. Go to or call 1-800-772-1213.

Can I work if I’m in a Medicaid waiver program?

Yes. Medicaid waiver participants can work and remain on their waiver program. Some waiver services can even be used at work.

How do I apply for the program?

Go to or contact your local county office for an application.