WATCH: Toddler Saved From Accidental Drug Overdose

Officer Marco Luna, Texarkana, AR Police Dept.

Quick action by police in Texarkana helped save the life of a toddler who had accidentally ingested one of his mother’s pain pills earlier this year. Watch the video below as two officers describe the response during a February snowstorm and explain how events like Arkansas Drug Take Back Day can prevent accidents like this […]

Meet Jerry, a Tried & True Guy Who Has a Developmental Disability

March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, a time when we get to know Arkansans with developmental disabilities for their value and talent. Meet Jerry, a resident at the Jonesboro Human Development Center (JHDC). He loves to keep busy and play games with his friends. He also is an artist employed by The Blue Umbrella. His […]

Keeping Kids Active and Healthy During the Winter

We get it. It’s that time of year – the days are shorter, the air is colder, and snuggling up under a blanket may be all your children (and you, too!) want to do. But the need for physical activity doesn’t change with the seasons. It’s still just as important to make sure your kiddos […]

Groundhogs and Shadows and Weather, Oh my!

Each year on February 2nd Punxsutawney Phil, a legendary groundhog from Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, comes up from his burrow to predict whether the winter will wear on or if spring will arrive soon.  Legend has it that if Phil sees his shadow, winter will continue for six more weeks. If he doesn’t see his shadow, spring […]

The Blue Umbrella Artisan Spotlight: A Gift Like No Other

Ten students from the Arkansas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (ASBVI) team up to provide a great personalized gift idea, not only for Christmas but also as gifts for birthdays, retirements, graduations, and more available at the DHS Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDS) Blue Umbrella gift shop. Team members include: Koral Banks Bradley […]

Curbing Childhood Obesity


Curbing childhood obesity continues to be a battle in the United States, and even more so in Arkansas. According to the State of Childhood Obesity, more than 16 percent of children ages 10-17 are obese, putting Arkansas in the top 20 (at 15 out of 51) for this age group among all states and the District […]

Peer Recovery Specialists Become State’s First Peer Supervisors

Peer Recovery in Arkansas continues to soar to historic heights as 10 veteran Peer Recovery Specialists have been promoted to supervisor positions. You might be wondering what a Peer Recovery Specialist is and the value they bring. Jimmy McGill, Arkansas’s State Opioid Response coordinator and the state’s first Peer Recovery Specialist, says that they are […]

Foster Care Month 2020 Stories – Come Together

Katie started using methamphetamines about eight years ago when her grandmother passed away and her mother kicked her out of her home. “Things got pretty dark,” she remembered, “and the drug use got worse. I was a mess, and my kids were placed in care. Because of this, there was a point they didn’t know […]

Foster Care Month 2020 Stories – Get Involved

My wife and I started fostering a couple of years ago because we didn’t think we were doing enough to give back. We have three boys, and we hoped they would also realize the needs of others before their own. We presented them with the idea, and they seemed both nervous and excited—the same feelings […]

Foster Care Month 2020 Stories – A Lasting Connection

My husband and I both grew up around foster care. Both of our mothers had best friends who were foster parents. So, it wasn’t surprising that we decided we wanted to foster. Our home and hearts had the space.   We submitted an application to DCFS and took the foster parent training classes. Within a […]