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For Immediate Release
Jan. 14, 2019

Media Contact:
Marci Manley
Deputy Chief of Communications
[email protected]


(LITTLE ROCK, Ark.) — Due to the partial federal government shutdown, the Arkansas Department of Human Services (DHS) will begin issuing February Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP) benefits to eligible SNAP participants early on January 17 in an effort to make sure funding is available. 

This is not an additional payment, so DHS is encouraging participants to budget accordingly for food purchases. Benefits will not be issued again until March, if funds are available from the federal government at that time. 

The attached flyer will be distributed at local DHS county offices and through DHS social media. A message will also be posted on the Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) vendor website to alert SNAP participants. You also are encouraged to share the information with your reading and viewing audiences. 

As of Dec. 1, there were 151,283 Arkansas households participating in the SNAP program, which include 333,980 individuals. Roughly $40 million in SNAP assistance is distributed to eligible participants in Arkansas each month. 

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