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Seniors Sought to Participate in 2024 Silver Haired Legislative Session


(LITTLE ROCK, Ark.) — The Arkansas Department of Human Services (DHS) Division of Aging, Adult, and Behavioral Health Services (DAABHS), in partnership with the Arkansas Area Agencies on Aging, is seeking Arkansans age 60 and older to volunteer to serve as delegates to the 23rd Biennial Silver Haired Legislative Session (SHLS) scheduled for August 14-15, 2024. Delegates will serve as legislators in this non-partisan session by writing, debating, and voting on bills addressing issues critical to older Arkansans.

“We are always excited to convene the Silver Haired Legislative Session because it gives senior Arkansans from all across the state a chance to come together and weigh in on issues that matter to them,” said DAABHS Director Jay Hill. “I look forward to seeing the critical topics affecting seniors that our delegates take up as they work to make a positive difference in our state.” 

Organizers are seeking one delegate from each Arkansas county. Anyone interested in becoming a delegate should contact the Area Agency on Aging in their county or DAABHS.  County candidates need to circulate qualifying petitions and submit them to their Area Agency on Aging by March 15, 2024. Elected delegates will receive training on topics such as the legislative process, how to write bills, and how a bill becomes a law.

The Silver Haired Legislative Session has been conducted biennially since its institution by a 1977 General Assembly resolution sponsored by Rep. B. G. Hendrix and the late Rep. W. F. “Bill” Foster. It is one of at least 28 such sessions held throughout the country to give senior citizens a chance to participate in the legislative process. Bills from the
SHLS also have an opportunity to be introduced at a regular legislative session, and that has occurred several times.

For more information, please contact Gary Hinkle at 501-320-6586 ([email protected]), or your local Area Agency on Aging. Additional information is also available at

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