Media Contact:
Brandi Hinkle DHS Deputy Chief of Communications
Arkansas Department of Human Services
501-683-5286 [email protected]
Gov. Hutchinson Declares March 5-11 AmeriCorps Week
Gov. Asa Hutchinson signed a proclamation Wednesday declaring it AmeriCorps Week in Arkansas, recognizing the dedicated volunteers and the programs that benefit from their service across the state with a focus this year on hunger relief.
Arkansas is ranked second in the nation in household food insecurity and first in senior hunger, according to the Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance.
“AmeriCorps Week is the perfect time to highlight the impact AmeriCorps members in Arkansas are making in their communities,” said Marilyn Henderson, program officer for the Arkansas Service Commission (ASC). “We encourage members to partner with other AmeriCorps and national service programs in their city to organize and coordinate service projects to assist in hunger relief.”
Known as the domestic Peace Corps, AmeriCorps members serve with local nonprofits and agencies that engage mostly low-income individuals and families. Several AmeriCorps program representatives were on hand, including those VISTA, Senior Corps (Foster Grandparents, RSVP, Senior Companions), City Year, NCCC, and many AmeriCorps alumni, as well as board members of the ASC. AmeriCorps falls under the auspices of the Office of Communications and Community Engagement with the Arkansas Department of Human Services.
It’s estimated that there are 80,000 members of AmeriCorps. Since 1994 more than 8,600 volunteers have combined to amass 14 million services hours within Arkansas AmeriCorps.
AmeriCorps was established in the 1990s as a government funded program designed to assist in the overall stability of communities across the nation. Members of AmeriCorps address a wide-array of situations, depending on the need of their respective environment or organization in which they’re assisting. Members of AmeriCorps aim to improve education, protect the environment, fight poverty, create healthy habits, support veterans and military families, and take on many other challenges facing this nation.
For more information about Arkansas AmeriCorps, contact the DHS Office of Communications and Community Engagement at 501-320-6451 or visit