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Call center to reach out to Medicaid clients to update contact information


Many Medicaid clients across Arkansas will soon receive phone calls from Arkansas Department of Human Services (DHS) representatives working to update clients’ contact information so they will not miss important renewal letters in the coming months.

DHS announced today that it has set up a new call center that will reach out to clients to help them quickly and easily update their information. The representatives will be able to update a client’s mailing address, phone number, and email address on file. 

DHS has not had to complete renewals during the COVID-19 pandemic, but that will soon change. Clients who have not updated their address since the pandemic began could miss these letters and may then lose coverage.

“We want everyone who is eligible for Medicaid to have the option to continue getting coverage,” said Mary Franklin, Director of the Division of County Operations. “If you get a call, please answer and make sure your information is correct. Spending just a few minutes on the phone can make a big difference and can help you keep your Medicaid coverage.”

These representatives will call from 844-872-2660, and that number will show up on the caller ID. Representatives will be reaching out between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.  

This call will only cover address, email, and phone number changes. If you have questions about your coverage, please call 855-372-1084 or check your case online at

During the federal Public Health Emergency, Arkansas Medicaid is required to delay ending coverage for clients whose cases would have normally had to be closed for reasons including being over the income limit, not returning information DHS asked for, or not completing renewal paperwork. 

Once the Public Health Emergency ends, DHS will be required to use the normal rules for determining when a case should be closed and a client’s coverage should end. All clients who have had their closures delayed during the pandemic will need to complete renewal paperwork, if they want to keep their coverage.

Clients also can apply for coverage or manage their benefits online at

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