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Arkansas Works Enrollees Urged to Pay Overdue Insurance Premiums to Avoid Tax Intercept


For Immediate Release
Oct. 24, 2018

Media Contact: Amy Webb, 
DHS Chief of Communications & Community Engagement
[email protected]

Arkansas Works Enrollees Urged to Pay Overdue Insurance Premiums to Avoid Tax Intercept
Payments accepted through Nov. 22, then debt to be turned over to DFA

The Arkansas Department of Human Services (DHS) began mailing out letters today to Arkansas Works enrollees who did not pay their $13 monthly premiums for their health insurance in 2017. The letters encourage enrollees to pay the overdue premiums by Nov. 22.

If enrollees do not pay their premiums, their names along with the amount owe will be turned over to the State Department of Finance and Administration (DFA) for what is called a tax intercept. That means DFA will move to recoup the money owed through the enrollees’ State tax refund. 

Only Arkansas Works Enrollees who have an income between 100 to 138 percent of the federal poverty level are required by State law to pay a premium on the private health insurance they receive through the Arkansas Medicaid program. 

In 2017, 54,247 Arkansas Works enrollees failed to pay some or all of their monthly premiums for a total of $4.8 million due. The most an enrollee would owe for 2017 is $156. 

Enrollees who owe premium payments can mail those payments to the Arkansas Department of Human Services Office of Finance P.O. Box 81818 – Slot WG-2 Little Rock, AR 72203-8181. 

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