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Get Moving Get Fit: Dickinson Embraces a Habit She Developed as a Teen


Tracy Dickinson is part of the DHS Division of Children and Family Services staff. She loves the beauty of the Natural State. Being fit makes it easy for Dickinson to get outdoors, move around, and embrace what makes Arkansas special.

“I at least go for a walk every day,” she said. “I also get workouts in by doing tough yard work like gardening.”

A love for basketball and track led to Dickinson first becoming physically active while in junior high school. That’s when Dickinson realized how much she enjoyed running, jumping, and lifting weights and how the exercises made her feel. Decades later she continues to use some of the same workout routines.  


What’s your normal workout like?

“I always mix it up. One day I’ll do cardio and another weightlifting. I also swim or bike ride. Sometimes I even take walks in the DHS central office parking garage. I change the workouts to make sure every part of my body gets equal attention. What I love about working out is it helps me feel better and sleep better. The workouts help me relax and enjoy life.”


What advice do you have for someone who’s on the fence about working out?

“I tell people to find a workout that works for their body. It could be daily walks or something like bike riding. The point is to move around more often and not be sedentary all the time.”   

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