- What is the Money Follows the Person program?
- Am I eligible?
- How does the money follow me?
- What does MFP pay for?
- How does MFP work?
- Who decides the services I will receive?
- Applicant Recruitment and Enrollment
- Informed Consent
- Rights and Responsibilities
- Waiver Characteristics
- Benefits and Services
- Self-Directed Care vs. Agency Directed
- Demonstration Services
- Housing
- Consumer Support
- Stakeholder Involvement
- Conferences/Workshops
- Contact Us
- Brochures
- Forms
What is the Money Follows the Person program?
Money Follows the Person (MFP) is a federal program that helps Medicaid-eligible people ─ the elderly, adults with physical and developmental disabilities, and adults with mental illnesses ─ currently living in long-term care facilities; such as nursing homes, and other qualified institutions, transition back into to the community and receive home and community-based services.
Am I eligible?
To participate in the program, you must be eligible for Medicaid for at least one day and living in a long-term care setting for at least 60 consecutive days.
How does the money follow me?
We will assign an Intense Transition Manager (ITM) to work with you to decide where you will live and develop a plan to transition to the setting of your choice. If you do not have an existing home, or family arrangements are unavailable, the ITM will have a list of available housing options from which you may choose.
What does MFP pay for?
MFP pays for your care in the community as well as various expenses that come when a person moves into a more independent situation. Based on your circumstances and needs, you may be eligible to receive help with home modifications, rental deposit, and utility deposits along with one-time setup costs for a new apartment.
How does MFP work?
Based on your needs, MFP provides the funds, services, and supports you need for a successful transition into the community. In addition to returning to you own home, housing options include individual apartments and assisted living facilities. In addition, during the first year, you can receive the following services:
- Tele-Home Care
- 24-Hour Help Line
- 24-Hour Personal, Attendant Care (for persons with emergency situations)
- Home Modifications
- Supported Living Services (for persons with developmental disabilities)
- Therapeutic Services
Who decides the services I will receive?
You will work with the Intense Transition Manager to make decisions together. You might choose to direct your own care or to have an agency direct your services. You will work with a nurse or other care specialist to further complete a care plan designed to meet your preferences and needs.
Applicant Recruitment and Enrollment
The Operational Protocol requires a detailed description of the methods used to inform, recruit and enroll potential participants into the MFP project. It is anticipated that several methods will be incorporated into this project, including:
Direct Recruitment: The MDS (Minimum Data Set), a federally mandated Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI), collects vital information on nursing home residents and is utilized to identify individuals living in institutions who want to return to a home and community residence. Once these individuals are identified, the A+ team schedules the applicant for a pre-screen assessment.
Indirect Recruitment: The Department of Human Services periodically conducts a social marketing campaign to inform the public as well as professionals working with the MFP targeted populations about the specifics of the MFP Initiative. Presentations will be conducted throughout the state to facility Family Councils, Arkansas Advocates for Nursing Home Residents, professional organization conferences and workshops, and various local agency venues.
Referral: An individual can self refer or be referred by a variety of sources. Once identified, the potential participant will be screened to determine general eligibility. If eligible, and if the potential participant wishes to continue the process, a more detailed assessment will be completed and an Intense Transition manager (ITM) will discuss their needs, desires and expectations regarding the transitioning process and service plan components of MFP. Each potential participant, and his/her guardian or responsible party, should fully understand all aspects of the project, their rights and responsibilities, and, risks and benefits in order to give informed consent to enroll and participate in the MFP project.
Informed Consent
Informed Consent should be (1) clearly explained (2) completely understood (3) absolutely voluntary. Informed Consent is a process of information exchange that discloses the intent and elements about the MFP program, including the services and supports provided both during and after the demonstration year; aspects of the transition process; participants rights and responsibilities; criteria for who can provide consent as well as the requirements for someone to “represent” an individual in this manner; and question and answer opportunity.
The Consent Form serves as a written summary of the information that is presented to a potential participant and/or responsible party. The MFP Transition Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that the Informed Consent document is obtained from each participant or responsible party before any transition activities begin.
Rights and Responsibilities
Statement of Rights of MFP Participants
- To live as independently, actively and fully as desired.
- To have personal information treated confidentially.
- To be treated in a courteous and respectful manner and to be free from mental, physical, and financial abuse.
- To live safely in a healthy environment.
- To be dealt with in a manner that recognizes your individuality and that responds to your needs and preferences. This includes preferences based on ethnic, spiritual, linguistic, familial and cultural factors.
- To have information about community services provided to you and to choose the manner in which the services will be provided.
- To participate in the assessment of your requirements, development of your service plan, review of your requirements, evaluation and revision of your service plan.o participate in the assessment of your requirements, development of your service plan, review of your requirements, evaluation and revision of your service plan.
- To give or refuse consent to the provision of any community service.
- To raise concerns or recommend changes in connection with the community services provided to you and in connection with policies and decisions that affect your interests, to your service provider, government officials or any other person, without fear of interference, coercion, discrimination or reprisal.
- To know of any changes to the Money Follows the Person (MFP) Program in a timely manner.
- To appeal decisions, actions or conflicts to Division of Aging Adult & Behavioral Health Services by calling Toll-Free 866-801-3435 or by formally writing to appeal decisions received in writing.
Statements of Responsibilities of MFP Participants
- To know about your rights, and to understand what each right means and how it applies to you.
- To make your needs and expectations known.
- To give your consent only when you understand fully what you are agreeing to.
- To be honest and respectful toward the people who provide your services.
- To participate in planning and reviewing your services.
- To let your service provider know if you are having problems with your service or if you feel that your rights are not being respected.
- To provide true and complete information to any person, associated with the Money Follows the Person (MFP) program, specific to the assessment process, transition planning and implementation and ongoing care, through an authorized plan of care.
- To ask questions or request the information in an alternative format to ensure full understanding of the process and information being presented.
- To follow the plan of care and rules governing the programs and services you are enrolled in.
- To notify your primary care medical provider of any health or medical changes or concerns, in a timely manner.
- To know and review your Back Up Plan, in the event of need, to ensure service is not interrupted, and to notify the appropriate personnel when the need to implement the Back Up Plan occurred.
Waiver Characteristics
Waiver | Eligibility Requirements | Self-Direct | Optional Services |
ARChoices | Income: 300% SSI Age: 65+ or Physically disabled age 18-64 Medical: NF LOC | No, but you can self-direct through Adult Companion Services and State Plane Personal Care through the Independent Choices Program | Adult Daycare Home Delivered Meals Personal Emergency Response Respite Care Amendment request to add: Home Modifications |
Developmentally Disabled (ACS) | Income: 300% SSi Age: Birth to Death (dz Prior to age 21) Medical: ICF-MR LOC | Yes | Equipment Case Management Community Experiences Consultative Services Counseling Services Crisis Center Environmental Accessibility Adaptations/Modifications Non-medical Transportation Respite Care Child Support Specialized Medical Equipment and Supplies Supplemental Support Supported Employment Supportive Living |
Independent Choices (IC) | Income: 300% SSI Age: 21+ Full Medicaid Eligibility Required | Yes | Companion Service Consultative Services Fiscal Support Indivdual Directed Goods and Services Personal Attendant |
Benefits and Services
The Operation Protocol must detail the services to be made available to the MFP participants; the delivery mechanism (fee-for service, self-directed care, agency directed services, managed care); and the Medicaid mechanism through which the services will be continued at the termination of the demonstration period (Medicaid Section 1915 waivers, Medicaid Demonstration, Section 1115, waivers, State Plan amendments, etc.).
Home and Community Based Services will be provided to each participant through the existing system of Medicaid Waivers and the State Plan services. Each participant will be enrolled into the specific waiver and/or plan service that best addresses their service needs and desires to self-direct their care. Following are charts depicting Medicaid waiver and state plan services available to the MFP participant.
Self-Directed Care vs. Agency Directed
Self-direction of Medicaid services means that the participant (or representative) has the decision making authority over some or all of his/her services and takes responsibility for taking the direct role in managing them with the assistance of needed supports. Self-direction is an alternative to provider management of services wherein a service provider has the responsibility for managing all aspects of service delivery in accordance with a person-centered planning process.
Self-direction promotes personal choice and control over the delivery of services, including who provides services and how they are delivered. While participant choice is a fundamental construct within Medicaid, participants may need assistance and support in order to effectively exercise this freedom. It is the responsibility of the Medicaid program to ensure the provision of the necessary supports (either paid or unpaid) to people who are eligible to self-direct within the state.
Demonstration Services
In addition to these programs and services, MFP has several demonstration services that will be made available to the MFP participants during their demonstration period of 365 days. They include:
- Telemedicine – “Telemedicine” means the practice of health care delivery, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, transfer of medical data, or exchange of medical education information by means of audio, video, or data communications. Telemedicine is not a consultation provided by telephone or facsimile machine.
- Intense Transitional Coordination – Individuals transitioning from institutions often need more community support than is offered through traditional waiver services. Intense Transitional Management, similar to case management, includes activities such as information and assistance; assistance with linkage with appropriate resource(s), including contact and follow-up with provider(s); and more frequent follow-up with the client to ensure expectations are met regarding outcome of action(s) taken and any need for further services.
- In-Home Monitoring Technology – 24/7 personal monitoring system that identifies developing health problems and alerts for potential emergencies by detecting changes in key behaviors. These changes are tracked through a patented technology. It detects prolonged inactivity, extreme temperatures, and other activity and captures this to a web-based program that is monitored by around the clock emergency response operators.
- Therapeutic Interventions – An array of medical, health, and other therapeutic activities designed to assess potential risks and identify plans of care for risk mitigation, including:
- Assessments: The application of assessment instruments to evaluate participants’ status specific to Nutrition, Depression, Continence, Wound Care, and Medication Management.
- Community Transition Services – Items, goods, or services necessary to allow an institutionalized individual to transfer into a community setting. Services include:
- Environmental Modifications; Assistive Devices; Security Deposits; Rental and Utility Deposits; Essential furniture, appliances, and household items; other items, goods, or services approved by MFP as necessary for the health and welfare of the participant
Transitioning to a community residence will be dependent on having a sufficient supply of qualified residences in the service area of the potential participant. Keeping in mind the projected number of participants for each year, the MFP project encompasses the entire state of Arkansas and will require a concerted effort between the State Department of Human Services, Arkansas Development Finance Authority, Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) and other related organizations.
Consumer Support
Each MFP participant will be enrolled into an existing HCBS waiver which best suits the participant’s desires and needs. Agency directed providers of waiver HCBS services are required to maintain emergency access and back up plans specific to their service. Self Directed (SD) care options empower the participant as the direct care provider/employer with the associated responsibilities of that role, including the development of back-up plans.
Some of the consumer support that we have been asked to put into place for MFP participants will provide the participant consistent access to assistance and supportive services. Examples of these are:
- Educational materials that will spell out what services are available to the participant.
- A description of the 24-hour back up systems that the participants will have access to for things such as:
a. Transportation
b. Direct services worker
c. Repair and replacement of durable medical equipment or other medical equipment
d. Access to medical cared. Access to medical care - A copy of the complaint and resolution process when the backup system fails.
Stakeholder Involvement
Consumers, agencies, providers, non-profits, and others are invited to assume an active role in development of the Operational Protocol and the MFP program design through a variety of opportunities, including:
Personal presentations at area conferences and workshops for organizations that serve the various target populations. Examples of annual conferences and workshops targeted for presentation of MFP information are included below:
- DD Annual Conference
- Arkansas Nurses Association
- AR Health Care Association
- Arkansas Chapter of American Case Management Association (ACMA)
- Arkansas Gerontological Society
- Mental Health
- AR Ombudsmen Annual Training
- Arkansas Waiver Assn
Contact Us
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1437, Slot W241, Little Rock, AR 72203
Toll-Free Telephone Number: (866) 801-3435
MFP Daily Monitored Mailbox: [email protected]
Kristi Byers, MFP Director
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (501) 320-6172
Malicat Chouyouti, Housing Coordinator
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (501) 320-6045
Lisa Mancieri Kelley, MFP Lead Transition Coordinator
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (501) 320-6442
Brittany Jones-Summerville, MFP Transition Coordinator/Referral Specialist
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (501) 534-4188
Kewandra Bonds, MFP Transition Coordinator/Invoice
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (501) 682-8676
Brandy Moore, MFP Transition Coordinator
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (501) 320-6039
MFP Housing Brochure 2024
MFP Brochure March 2024