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DHS Statement About Shooting at Marion Shelter


July 26, 2017


Media Contact
Amy Webb, Chief of Communications and Community Engagement
501-837-8199 mobile
[email protected]

DHS Statement About Shooting at Marion Shelter

Marion police reported an officer-involved shooting Tuesday evening at East Arkansas Youth Services (EAYS), in which a youth was critically wounded and later died.

Our condolences go out to the family of the youth who died and our thoughts are with all involved.

The Department of Human Services has made counseling and trauma services available to youth at EAYS. DHS licenses and contracts with EAYS to provide residential care to some youth in foster care as well as youth who are in the Division of Youth Services aftercare program. State law prohibits DHS from releasing youth-specific information.

EAYS is licensed by DHS to provide services for 20 youth and had 12 residents at the time of the shooting.


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