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Child Care Licensing & Accreditation Appeal Review Panel


April 29, 2019


Media Contact: 

Marci Manley

Deputy Chief Communications

[email protected]


Amy Webb

Chief of Communications

[email protected]


Notice of Hearings


The Child Care Licensing & Accreditation Appeal Review Panel will meet on Tuesday, April 30, 2019, at Donaghey Plaza South, Department of Human Services (DHS), Conference Room A, 700 S. Main Street, Little Rock, Arkansas, 72203.  The following hearings are scheduled at the times below:

9:30 AM          Appeal hearing for the revocation of a child care center license for the Candy’s Apples Learning Center   

                        Facility in Jonesboro, Arkansas

1:00 PM          Appeal hearing for the revocation of an out-of-school time facility license for Anderson’s Taekwondo

                        Center, Camp Positive, Inc. in Little Rock, Arkansas   


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