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The 40th annual CSA celebrates benevolence in Arkansas


Volunteers have a vital role in both preserving and enhancing the well-being of their community.         

Some of Arkansas’ most compassionate volunteers were recently recognized during the 40th annual Community Service Awards.    

Sponsored by the Department of Human Services (DHS) Office of Communications and Community engagement (OCCE) and KARK Channel 4, in cooperation with McLarty Automotive Group, the Office of the Governor, and the Governor’s Advisory Commission on National Service and Volunteerism – the 2017 CSA was an event celebrating a group of individuals who embrace the idea of being active in the community.

“The need for public-private partnerships is critical in order to address the social issues of our state.  The Governor’s Commission on National Service and Volunteerism and the Office of Communications and Community Engagement serve as the catalysts, connecting citizens with service,” said Shana Chaplin, Deputy Chief of Community Engagement and Faith-based Partnerships.  “The Community Service Awards afford the opportunity to model public-private partnerships, as the Governor’s Commission, DHS and KARK work together to celebrate some of the shining volunteers serving our communities.”

This year’s CSA honorees were: Christie Johnson of Conway; Selena Ellis of Benton; and Virgie Phillips of Lake View. Meanwhile, Eric and Kara Gilmore, Sarah Adams and Britney Spees, along with Peyton Welch, all reside in Little Rock. Alexis Roberson of Caraway received the Youth Humanitarian Award. The Corporate Humanitarian Award was given to Everett Buick GMC of Benton. The National Service Award went to North Little Rock’s Beau Cooper.        

Dallas Cowboys owner, and North Little Rock native, Jerry Jones received the 2017 Distinguished Citizen honor.

“Among the highlights for me was listening to the acceptance speeches of each honoree,” said OCCE Volunteer Program Coordinator, Kimberly Simpson. “I enjoyed listening to how each honoree started volunteering, their plans to make the community better, and the appreciation they had for the people who helped them get started. It was also great watching everyone take pictures with Gov. Asa Hutchinson, the first lady, and Jerry Jones.”           

“All of the honorees were very humble, excited, yet nervous knowing they had to give an acceptance speech. But each of the honorees did an outstanding job.” 

There’s one concept that each of the persons recognized, beautifully displays.

“We all have the power to make our community better and with the right people and resources – anything is possible,” Simpson said.        

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