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Arkansas Medicaid DRC Meeting – February 10, 2021

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The Arkansas Medicaid DRC agenda for the February 10, 2021 meeting is attached above and is available on the AR Medicaid website.    As of this moment, I have not received a request to speak for any medication listed on the attached agenda.

For those drug companies that have a drug listed on the agenda and wish to submit a request to make public comments on your drug, the deadline to submit the request with the required data is January 27, 2021 by close of business. The documentation provided will be forwarded to our Committee members prior to the meeting.

Per the current DRC bylaws:

6.02 Outside Speakers — Outside speakers with clinical or scientific credentials or patient experience pertinent to a product or topic that is posted on the upcoming DRC meeting agenda may request to speak on that product or topic. Requests to speak at the DRC meeting must be made in writing to the Chairperson at least two (2) weeks before the DRC meeting date, and must specify:

(1) The speaker’s name, title, and organization;

(2) Contact information for the speaker including address, telephone number, and email;

(3) The agenda item(s) which the speaker intends to address;

(4) Prepared comments not to include any manufacturer’s package insert; and

(5) An electronic copy of any presentation materials the speaker intends to use, if any.

This information shall be included in information sent to Committee members two (2) weeks prior to the Committee meeting. Presentations or public comments given at the DRC meeting are limited to a total of two (2) minutes per drug, which may be shared by multiple speakers. This time limit does not include responses to any questions raised by DRC members during the course of the meeting.

Interested parties for products or topics listed on the quarterly meeting agenda may reach out to the Arkansas Medicaid Pharmacy Program after the agenda is posted to request a meeting with staff prior to the DUR Board meeting.  These meetings may be held in-person or by conference call up to three (3) weeks prior to the DUR meeting and shall be no longer than 30 minutes in duration. These meetings will be disclosed to the DRC, along with any written materials provided in the meetings, as part of the information provided to members two (2) weeks prior to the quarterly meeting.

NOTE:  Speakers may no longer sign up at the meeting.  Only those speakers whom have submitted their public comments will be allowed to address the Committee.

 At this time, a decision to make this meeting virtual has not been made.  Once a decision is made, you will be notified.


You are invited to a Magellan Health webinar.
When: Feb 10, 2021 09:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: AR P&T Committee Meeting (2/10/2021)
Please register by clicking the link below:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


For more information, contact: [email protected]

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